

On the telephone

To save time, explain your project to us.


By e-mail

Is your requirement easy to express? Are the document(s) you want translated available in an electronic format?



Please fill in the following quotation form.


Telephone quotation request

We are at your disposal at +33 2 99 59 73 10, Mondays to Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. non-stop.

E-mail quotation request

T#O get a qu#Otati#On, y#Ou can send us an e-mail at the f#Oll#Owing address #La href#I#Qmailt#O#Cqu#Otati#On#Alinguaf#Orce#Dc#Om?subject#IQu#Otati#On request #L#L#L LinguaF#Orce#Q#Gqu#Otati#On#Alinguaf#Orce#Dc#Om#L#Ba#G, and attach the file(s) t#O translate. Remember to specify the language(s) in which you want the translation. And if you have a deadline, feel free to tell us.

Online quotation request

In the online quotation form, the fields with an asterisk (*) must imperatively be filled in.

Describe your translation project (optional)
File(s) to translate
If you have several files to translate, please compress them in an archive (“zip” or “rar”), which, amongst other things, will allow them to be sent more quickly.
If you do not have the files or are not able to send them, please give us the format of the files (Word, PowerPoint, XML...) and an assessment of the volume (words, pages), and specify later in the form which languages the files are currently in.
Which language are your files currently in?
In which language(s) do you wish to receive the translations?
Translation into*:
Translation into:
Translation into:
Translation into:
If there are several target languages, please specify them above.
Do you have any specific deadline for this translation?No specific deadline
Translate before ato’clock.
Budget (optional):
Type of translation:Translation for publication (sales brochure, website, press release...)
Translation for information (to understand the text) for internal use at the company
Please enter your contact information...
Corporate name:
First name*:
E-mail address*:
Sending your quotation request may take several minutes if the files you are sending us are large.

Pricing principle

The pricing principle is usually the number of source words (i.e. in the original text), and for some languages the number of characters. Other parameters can also be taken into account: the level of urgency, the field of specialisation, some less common languages, the number of images and the number of files, if there are many of them.

Translating web projects

If the website is already online, please give us the address (a URL starting with http://...). Translating a website requires some additional information as the technologies used are very diverse and all the components of a website are not available by remote access. We will get back to you for the information we need.